All Rotarians in District 7070 and their guests are invited to the 2018 Rotary District 7070 Friendship Day on Saturday, September 8, 2018 at Parkwood, the Estate of the late Colonel R. S. "Sam" McLaughlin, in Oshawa. Oshawa Rotarian Michael Adams, co-chair of the event, along with Linda Porritt, President of the Oshawa-Parkwood Rotary Club, said, “Tickets for the event are $75 per person with all proceeds going to The Rotary Foundation. Come out an enjoy a Day of Friendship - make new friends...rekindle old friendships, and share some Rotary stories and ideas for service with your fellow Rotarians from all over southern Ontario.... at Parkwood.... like Colonel Sam used to do with his Rotary Club of Oshawa. For all the details about our speaker, Mike McGovern and how to register, please Read more.....
OUR KEYNOTE SPEAKER IS MIKE MCGOVERN, Rotary International Chair of the International PolioPlus Committee, which directs all regional and international PolioPlus committees, coordinates all PolioPlus elements and develops policies and strategies to achieve polio eradication. Mike chairs the Rotary International PolioPlus Committee and he helps provide strategic direction to Rotary's polio eradication program. As Chair of the Rotary International PolioPlus Committee, Mike McGovern also represents Rotary on the Polio Strategy Committee of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative which is responsible for working with Rotary leaders around the world and the Rotary staff in raising over $100 million each year and in advocating to governments and others to contribute additional sufficient funds to end polio. Miek McGovern was Trustee of the Rotary Foundation from 2012 to 2016 and a member of the Board of Directors of Rotary International from 2006 to 2008. Mike will tell us the very latest in Rotary's fight to eradicate Polio from the world.
Please register soon, to join Rotarians so you can enjoy a day of friendship, fellowship, food and fun. Tours of Parkwood Estate are planned following the meeting meal. Rotarians and their guests from all of the 56 Rotary Clubs in southern Ontario, District 7070 are invited to join the hosting clubs, The Rotary Club of Oshawa and the Rotary Club of Oshawa-Parkwood for this fundraising friendship event.